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tv   CNN Saturday Morning  CNN  December 1, 2012 7:00am-9:00am PST

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>> you hear that? you hear that? washington, like the karate kid, could learn something from mr. myagi. >> balance is key. >> or from gabby douglas. or from nik walenda. find us on twitter. cnn saturday continues right now. from cnn world headquarters in atlanta, this is "cnn saturday morning." >> i will certainly not turn myself in. >> in disguise and on the run. u.s. internet tycoon john mcafee is hiding in belize. from authorities investigating a murder. but cnn found him and you'll hear his exclusive interview. >> i think that what we can conclude is that we've got to be
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better. an extreme makeover. that's what some republicans say the party needs after losing the presidency and seats in congress. all morning, we'll look at how the grand old party might be looking for a bold new image. >> why did you do that to me? >> humiliating tasks and degrading exercises all part of the therapy designed to turn gay merge straight. now several men are suing for treatment so controversial we can't even show you the pictures. good morning, everyone. i'm randi kaye. thanks for starting your morning with me. in just two weeks, egyptians will vote on a new constitution, the constitutional assembly handed the new constitution to the president just a short time ago, but right now, egypt seems anything but united. supporters of president mohamed morsi have been filling the streets around cairo university just across the nile river. the opposition is urging
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anti-government protesters to fill iconic tahrir square in cairo. ian lee joins us by phone. it was quieter at tahrir square earlier this morning. tell me the scene there now. >> reporter: it's still pretty quiet compared to what we saw yesterday. a few thousand people in tahrir square compared to last night where we saw tens if not 100,000 people. today the big story is cairo university and the muslim brotherhood protests. this is the first time we've seen the muslim brotherhood flex some street muscle and send their supporters out into the street. from the estimates we're hearing hundreds of thousands of people are at cairo university in support of president mohamed morsi. and this comes as the constitutional draft was approved by president mohamed morsi and we will see a vote for it in the next 15 days. and one thing that should be stated here is that the
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islamists should never be underestimated. they've been underestimated since the revolution in every referendum and they've always come out on top despite the large numbers we've seen against them. this may be because they're the most well organized. the muslim brotherhood is the most well-organized political machine in egypt and they know how to get out the vote. that's something that we've seen the opposition struggle with in the past. >> and do you think that the protests could actually have an impact on the referendum vote? >> well, one thing that really could have an impact on the referendum vote would be the judiciary. we've seen in the past, though, we sense the constitutional declaration by president morsi, a fight between the president and the judiciary as the president took power away from them. in the past, we have seen judges oversee every election, every referendum. if they boycott this, this will bring a lot of doubts into the election process, into the
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referendum process if the judges say we're not going to overlook this. >> and in terms of why the anti-government protesters are concerned about president morsi, are they worried that he's going to try and keep his expanded powers, this so called power grab permanently? >> that definitely has a lot of protesters in tahrir square and around egypt nervous that president morsi will keep the towers, which are, i have to say, he has more power than former president hosni mubarak had. but president morsi has promised that once the constitution is passed, he will hand over those powers and essentially he would have to because the constitution does spell out the new powers for the president. so he wouldn't have any legal basis, wouldn't have any real reason that he could continue having those kind of powers. >> still such a tense situation. ian lee, appreciate your time. thank you. to belize now where a murder mystery has forced internet
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mogul john mcafee into hiding. police want to question mcafee, who is maintaining his innocence following the shooting death of a neighbor. now he talks with cnn's martin savidge in his first sit-down interview about life on the run. >> reporter: are you afraid? >> wouldn't you be, sir? >> reporter: and what have these weeks been like? it's been three weeks now. >> it hasn't been a lot of fun. i miss my prior life. much of it has been deprivation. poor food. here we're in bliss, hot showers, a stove. so we're fairly happy right now. >> reporter: how is this going to end? how do you see this coming to an end? >> i don't have a crystal ball. i'm going to continue to fight until something changes. >> reporter: you won't turn yourself in? >> i will not. >> reporter: so it will either be that somehow you get away or the authorities come and get you. >> one of those two. get away doesn't mean leave the country. it means that number one, they will find the murderer of mr.
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fall. number two, the people of this country who are by and large terrified to speak out, will start speaking out and something will change. >> mcafee had a dispute with his neighbor after dogs belonging to the anti-virus software pioneer were poisoned. that neighbor was found shot to death in his home shortly after that. north korea's young leader kim jong-un is raising the stakes with the u.s. and south korea. a rocket carrying a satellite into orbit will lift off within three weeks. south korea warns if pyongyang goes ahead with that, it can expect a strong response. this would be north korea's second attempt at a rocket launch. the first was the rocket launch in april that failed. the u.s. state department is calling the planned move by north korea a highly provocative act that would threaten peace and security in the region. back here at home, issue number one is reaching a deal on
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that fiscal cliff. just 31 days left until we hit those $7 trillion in automatic spending cuts and tax increases if negotiations break down. and both sides of the aisle are going straight to the public in order to plead their case, or rather tell us why the other side is to blame. this is president obama in his weekly radio address. >> both parties say we should keep middle class taxes low. the senate has already passed a bill to keep income taxes from going up on middle class families. democrats in the house are ready to do the same thing. and if we can just get a few house republicans onboard, i'll sign this bill as soon as congress sends it my way. but it's unacceptable for some republicans in congress to hold middle class tax cuts hostage simply because they refuse to let tax rates go up on the wealthiest americans. >> in the republican response, senator orrin hatch takes th s
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hostage metaphor one step further and brings to mind a memorable movie scene. >> unfortunately, some on the other side of the aisle are offering a disastrous thelma and luiz strategy that would take us over the cliff, putting millions of middle class families and our already weakened economy in further jeopardy. >> negotiations will continue on capitol hill next week. president obama has said he wants to get a deal done by christmas day. there is no way to avoid the elephant in the room. the gop knows it. so what do they need to do to change? what issues do they need to focus on? we'll talk about that next with amy holmes and maria cardona. but first, brain teaser for all you political junkies. when was the first presidential election republican party won without a nixon or bush on the ticket? give it some thought.
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we'll have the answer for you on the other side. ter's hitting the streets to tell real people about our new 15 under $15 menu. oh my goodness! oh my gosh, this looks amazing! [ male announcer ] our new maine stays! 15 entrees under $15, seafood, chicken and more! oo! the tilapia with roasted vegetables! i'm actually looking at the wood grilled chicken with portobello wine sauce. that pork chop was great! no more fast food friday's! we're going to go to red lobster. yep. [ male announcer ] come try our new menu and sea food differently! and introducing 7 lunch choices for just $7.99. salad, sandwiches, and more.
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before the break, i asked you if you knew the answer to this question, when was the last presidential election the republican party won without a nixon or a bush on the ticket? there's the answer. the republican ticket of hoover and curtis back in 1928. i was checking my twitter feed. i did see one answer of hoover. so congratulations. nicely done. well, the republican party is certainly at a cross roads. they lost the presidential race and lost seats in both the house and the senate. but they've got a plan -- change. change who they target, change what they talk about, change the attitude. it's a grand plan. but will it work? joining me now as they do every week are cnn contributor maria cardona and amy holmes, anchor for real news on the blaze.
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let's hear the assessment from john mccain. >> there is no doubt whatsoever that the demographics are not on our side and we are going to have to give a much more positive agenda. it can't be just being against the democrats. >> all right, seems simple enough, doesn't it? how do they do it? amy, i'm going to start with you on this one. >> how they do it is actually what we've been seeing happening on the house sides, since the republicans started laying out their vision for the future, entitlement reform, social security, medicare. i think comprehensive immigration reform is something that needs to be addressed. i'm glad that you used senator mccain, because when i worked for bill frist, he worked very cho closely with senator mccain and then president bush to get immigration reform done. this is something they'll have to tack until a proactive and positive way in order to reach out to voters for whom these are
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very important issues and concerns. >> all right, well, let's talk about women. house speaker john boehner announced the committee chairman of 19 committees earlier this week. all but one are white men, actually. although just yesterday, as i said, he did appoint this woman representative of michigan as chair of the administration committee in the incoming house, there will be only 20 republican women, that's compared with 58 democrats. the same story in the senate. four republican women, 16 democrats. so maria, how do you fix that? >> well, and this goes to the problem that the gop has, which is an issue of credibility. and john mccain is right. that the gop absolutely has to change the way that they reach out to the changing demographics of this country. latinos, african-americans, women. but it's going to take a lot more than just talking about a new agenda. and it will have to be a new agenda. they actually have to reflect
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what this country looks like. so when you have john boehner basically leading the house of representatives with virtually all white men in leadership positions, and as i understand it, the position that candice miller now has is pretty much a consolation prize and it happened after all the of the news that all white men are going to be in leadership positions, that goes to an issue of credibility and women look at the house and latinos and african-americans and they say nobody there looks like me, they don't understand me, they're not going to know thousand govern to what my interests are. that's a big problem. >> but randi, republicans never get credit from the media when they do have a diverse roster of politicians that are winning elective office. for example, susanna martinez, the first latina governor. marco rubio, ted cruz, michael steele. we also have in louisiana, the governor there, mr. jindal.
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republicans never get credit. nicky haley, she is a republican female governor and yet you don't see her on the front pages. instead, what you're talking about is this nonstory about whether or not house republicans have women in leadership positions. but you never mention all of the minorities of women who are leading this party forward. at the republican convention, just this last summer, you saw such a diverse roster taking that stage. but what are we talking about today? white males. >> well, that happens to be the topic today. i can't say we never address that. we've talked a lot about nicky haley and others on this program. but we've also talked a lot about abortion in the past and how some controversial comments about it cost a couple republican hopefuls. amy is there room in the party for a pro-choice candidate. and could they actually win? >> indeed, i think there is room for a pro-choice candidate when mayor giuliani, he's pro-choice, he's a republican, he won here in new york city as a republican
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and he was a frontrunner back in 2008, if you remember. before we went into the primaries and had such a disastrous campaign, he was a pro-choice candidate who was 22 points up among evangelicals because they saw him as such a strong and courageous leader and america's mayor. i think that there is room for that. i think those two candidates that you mentioned -- it wasn't so much their position on abortion or being pro-life per se. it was one had a much more extreme position and the other one was just sort of medieval. he had this really bizarre idea about women. i don't even want to get into it. it was ridiculous. and as you saw, the gop absolutely denounced his views on that. >> let me very quickly let maria weigh in here and give you the final word. >> well, so i agree with amy that the gop should get credit for the diversity that they have in governorships, but it's not enough. because leadership positions do actually happen to be very important in congress where you
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actually pass bills that are going to affect what the changing demographics of america. so until the gop understands that and until they deal with the agenda as well, not just on immigration but on women's issues and economic issues as well, they're going to have to change their symbol from the elephant to the woolly mammoth because they're going to go extinct if they don't make the change they know they need to make. >> what a great note to end on. >> the woolly mammoth? >> thank you. oh, my goodness. you have been working on that one. >> nice to see you both. >> thank you. a best friend even more loyal than you could ever hope. we'll tell you how this family dog helped save a lost little boy. [ male announcer ] when a major hospital wanted to provide better employee benefits while balancing the company's bottom line, their very first word was... [ to the tune of "lullaby and good night" ] ♪ af-lac ♪ aflac [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac!
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you are looking at a hero right there. here's why. imagine the panic when the grandfather of a toddler in south carolina -- that toddler -- lost track of him. 2-year-old peyton went missing in the woods for more than four hours on wednesday. but he had a guardian angel. the family's dog ashpoo never left the child's side. eventually the dog rescuers to peyton who had fallen asleep near his granddad's barn. peyton's parents say there isn't a steak or a bone big enough for that wonderful guardian angel ashpoo. what a great dog to do that. tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern, we honor our cnn heros in an all-star tribute. it's our annual broadcast saluting the top ten heroes of the year, and one man or woman will take home the title of cnn
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hero of the year. cnn entertainment correspondent karine winter is at the site. i see that you have a special guest with you. >> i sure do, randi and she's quite a lady. one of our top ten heroes. it's such a pleasure to have you with us this year. one day away. >> whoo! i can't wait. >> reporter: you did something so special. this is why you were honored. you were recognized, you established an organization in honor of your late husband michael who lost his life in iraq on the battlefields and so you wanted to provide that support for widows out there. how did the cnn heroes platform help you elevate, create more exposure for this important meet? >> in five years, or four years, we had around 900 widows. we were up to 1,500 after the cnn heroes show.
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besides that, the site is making more widows aware. we were able to find more resources for individuals who tuned in. i think the majority of the causes being showcased, they're grass roots. and cnn, they just take it to the next level. >> and in such an incredible way. before we came on, taryn said -- she was referring to one of our heroes from 2011, a chef feeding so many children in need here. she said that's a prime example of what you can do in terms of elevating your crusade. no, you are. you also launched widow you. tell me about that. >> it's a new program with the american widow project. we've allowed these women to see that they can survive. the next step is giving them the tools to thrive in four areas of their life. education, health and fitness, entrepreneurship and overcoming obstacles and we do it in a tangible way that really wasn't there before, and we're able to
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do it because of cnn. >> absolutely incredible. you've been so busy. we've put you to work. she is our special backstage pass reporter, so she's getting the scoop on all the action backstage. you've even been interviewing some of the honorees for this year, 2012. what's that experience been like for you? >> i'm glad i can take a step back this time and watch them go through what i went through last year and know that their life and their cause is about to change in so many ways. >> and you're tickled by this. >> i love it. i'm having way too much fun. and i'm just honored to be there and to reunite heros from the past. i'm just really pumped. >> we can't wait and we're so proud of you. randi, you see some of the things set up behind us. we're going to have a little bit of rain tomorrow, but that won't spoil any of the festivities at all. our cnn heroes banners are up. things are taking shape here. we can't wait. big countdown under way. >> and i'll be joining you out there. flying out right after "cnn
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sunday morning" tomorrow morning. >> fantastic! you'll be joining us. we can't wait to see you. >> don't want to miss that show. thank you to taryn davis, wonderful work that you do. tomorrow night, be sure to catch the pre-show special, sharing the spotlight at 8:00 p.m. eastern. at 9:00, the main event, cnn heroes an all-star tribute. it all happens tomorrow night right here on cnn. some people believe that you can turn gay men straight through intense treatment called conversion therapy. but now a group of men is filing suit, comparing the tactics to mental torture. i'll talk with one of them right after this. what do you got? restrained driver in a motor vehicle. sir, can you hear me? two, three. just hold the bag. we need a portable x-ray, please!
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[ nurse ] i'm a nurse. i believe in the power of science and medicine. but i'm also human. and i believe in stacking the deck. [ female announcer ] to nurses everywhere, thank you, from johnson & johnson. bp has paid overthe people of bp twenty-threeitment to the gulf. billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. home of the legendary grand prix circuit. the perfect place to bring the all-new cadillac ats
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welcome back, everyone. i'm randi kaye. here are five stories that we're watching this morning. mass demonstrations are happening in egypt right now, even as the country prepares for a referendum on a new constitution. hundreds of thousands of supporters of president morsi have packed the streets around cairo university. the president's muslim brotherhood affiliated party is calling for two one million man marches today. it's considerably quieter across the nile river in cairo's iconic tahrir square, despite opposition calls for more protests following days of anti-government rallies and clashes.
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fighting continues to rage in syria's civil war. syrian rebels say they have surrounded the country's main airport on one side. they say they're trying to keep the country's war jets grounded and stop its flow of weapons. syrian state run tv insists the airport is running normally. ford is issuing a voluntary recall of its ford escape models today following reports of overheating followed by vehicle fires. no injury is reported. if you own one of these models, ford advises you to consult your dealer immediately. repair procedures still not known. for a small fighter, hector camacho often seemed larger than life. that life ended early. he was shot last week outside a bar near san juan and died a week ago. he will be buried nay the bronx.
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and today marks world aids day. the white house marking the event by displaying a red ribbon, an international symbol of support and awareness. president obama says in part that the united states is committed to preventing the disease's spread and "end this pandemic once and for all." this week, a controversial therapy is getting a lot of attention. it's called conversion or repairtive therapy. some people convert homosexuality through intense therapy. come january, it will be banned for anyone under the age of 13 in california. men in a southern poverty law center are claiming that jonah falsely promised cures and used tactics that sound less like therapy and more like mental torture. i want you to listen to this.
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>> in another exercise, a man had to breakthrough a human barricade that i was a part of in order to seize two oranges that were meant to symbolize his testicles. he was then instructed to squeeze the juice from them and drink them and put them in his pants in order to gain his testicles. in retrospect, these practices fall in a range between absurd to disturbing. >> that was plaintiff michael ferguson who joins me now along with attorney sam wolf. good morning to both of you. michael, i'm sure that was a very difficult time for you to come out and speak that way. can you tell us more about these techniques that you say the group jonah asked you to perform? >> sure. so the basis of these techniques
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is, of course, the idea that there's something broken inside of you. the model that's asserted is often that your parents failed you somehow, that your father was too distant or your mother was overbearing, so a lot of the exercises involve developing rage and anger toward your parents, which as you can imagine can ultimately be very disruptive to what could be supportive and healing relationships within families. lots of exercises involve nudity between much older counselors and younger clients, in addition to holding exercises. and as was mentioned before with the oranges exercise. >> wasn't there a cuddle time and visits to bathhouses as well? >> there's, you know -- like i said, there's definitely a lot of nudity that's involved in some of the exercises, holding exercises where men are encouraged to cuddle one
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another, yes. >> to me, this sounds awfully bizarre as a form of therapy. but you did at the time agree to pay for this therapy. why didn't you stop doing it? >> sure. this is one of the things that's a little bit difficult to convey. when you're in a place where you've been told repeatedly that there's something inside you that needs to be repaired and you're also promised that there are authorities who have done research and have methods that are proven to fix what's broken inside of you, when you're coming from a place of desperation and really wanting to believe that, then there are a lot of things you can convince yourself are true. >> i want to ask you more about this. but sam, let me bring you in. what exactly is this lawsuit about? what are they suing for? is that these men tried the program and they're still gay? >> yeah, we're suing jonah in order to seek justice for our
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clients who were lured in to jonah's conversion therapy practices through false and deceptive promises that essentially if they would follow the program, if they would come to weekly individual and group sessions, subject themselves to these techniques, that essentially they would change their orientation, their internal attraction from men to women and become straight. and instead of any sort of benefit, they were left with really emotional scars and this was quite damaging to them. >> michael, i've done some reporting on this issue over the years. and i spoke to one gentleman who went through this. he said it drove him to want to end his life. he was suicidal. he was depressed. did you experience anything like that? >> i did definitely go through dark periods where levels of anxiety and depression and thoughts of hurting myself did start to proliferate.
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and fortunately, i was able to seek services from someone who is a licensed therapist. >> it sounds like there is some belief that the folks at jonah are scam artists. but do you think -- do you see any good intention here at all, michael? >> you know, it's tough to try and speculate on motives. there are some definite disturbing things when you look at the fact that one of the founders of the organization was convicted of fraud and served prison time for fraud. i mean, that doesn't speak very well of core intentions. >> sam, the southern poverty law center has identified 70 conversion therapy providers across the u.s. are you saying that all conversion therapies are frauds or just this one group jonah? >> this lawsuit is part of a broader campaign by the southern poverty law senter to help end conversion therapy, but we're taking this one step at a time. the defendants in this lawsuit are jonah, so we're focusing on
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them. as you mentioned before, has been mentioned, they base their practices on the teachings and precepts of the godfather of conversion therapy and these are based on common misperceptions and misrepresentations underlining conversion therapy, for example, that being gay is a kind of mental disorder, something that's false, that the mental community has known for 40 years that that's not true. and also somehow that by therapy you can change your core orientation. and thirdly, that jonah somehow has the magic answers to change people from gay to straight. so these types of misrepresentations violate the consumer fraud act and we're taking them to court over it. >> and i've interviewed him at his office and he does stand by this. he believes this repairtive therapy does work. but a page on the website touts
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success stories with letters from participants and their family members. what do you make of these? do you not believe that those are really from those people? >> there's a lot of smoke and mirrors involved in these types of claims in. one of his more revealing moments, defendant downing, a counselor at jonah, he told one of our clients that in order for conversion therapy, you have to believe it already worked. so it's kind of like a brainwashing where you have to somehow believe that worked in order for it to work. also he doesn't even believe that gay people exist at all. in fact, he said that being actually -- people who are hete heterosexuals with a homosexual problem. i have a message for him, with all due respect, gay people do exist, and his conversion therapy that is focused on eradicating a core component of who we are, who my clients are is destined for the trash heap of history. >> i do want to point out that the defendants did not respond
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to cnn's calls and e-mails for comment on this lawsuit, but they did put out a press release saying that the lawsuit is without merit and is designed to create a chilling effect upon speech and programs that assist people in overcoming unwanted same-sex attractions. but before i let you go, i want to point out that the american medical association opposes so called cures or therapy like this saying they are a serious threat to a person's held and well-being. michael ferguson, thank you for sharing your story, and sam wolf, appreciate your time as well. please do keep us posted as this lawsuit moves forward. >> thank you. >> will do. got some holiday shopping to do today? target is teaming up with some of the world's most famous designers to fill your christmas stocking. details next. and for the galaxy, he was a shooting star on the pitch and a catalyst for mls. we'll discuss the david beckham era in l.a. "i'm only human" ]
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welcome back. so how would you like a lunchbox
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designed by tory burch? what about a yoga mat created by diane vonn furstenberg? target and knneiman marcus have teamed up. if you can get past the crowds, of course. two dozen well-known designers have created more than 50 limited edition gifts. prices range from $8 wrapping paper to a $500 bike. when he joined the galaxy five years ago, david beckham sent the mls into another stratosphere. later today he will play his final game for the galaxy. he could go out as a champion. we have more on beckham's impact on socker in the u.s. >> reporter: when beckham started playing soccer in the u.s., there were only four stadiums dedicated to soccer. soon there will be 15. the mls says the beckham experiment worked. from the second he arrived in
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america to his now final hours with the l.a. blagalaxy, david beckham got people talking about american soccer and he says overseas. >> there's interest over there now, so if that's what i brought to this league, then great. hopefully it's in a great position now to continue to grow. >> reporter: that was the plan. grow the mls, america's struggling professional soccer league, with help from a global superstar. >> we were in a board meeting. we said why don't we just try to sign david beckham and here we are five and a half years later and that experience with deck cam has far overdelivered on the expectations we had when we sat in that meeting in probably 2006. >> reporter: the mls commissioner explains with deck cam at the forefront, the league jumped from 12 to 19 teams, average in total attendance also rose. >> he's the one reason that we started coming to the games and to see him leave now is just very sad. but at the same time, it's going to be good for him.
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>> his wife, they grew in celebrity. americans seem to notice that becks had an it factor and more. >> very easy on the eyes, very easy. >> visions of beckham will disappear from the mls after the championship. >> the saddest part is we're losing a teammate that we really like. when you think of it on a bigger scale, it's differently for our league to lose a player like that and a personality like that. but we all wish him well. he's certainly earned the right to do whatever he wants in his life and we just want him to be happy. >> so beckham goes on hi merry way and leaves behind scenes like this, young players at the l.a. galaxy academy working on their own dreams of someday kick starting a league. she was not only a victim of bullying, she saw others being tormented as well. how one girl was bullied out of school and how school leaders are now responding.
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to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. to provide a better benefits package... oahhh! [ male announcer ] it made a big splash with the employees. [ duck yelling ] [ male announcer ] find out more at... [ duck ] aflac! [ male announcer ] ♪ ha ha! ♪
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a junior high school girl in indiana believed so much her mother had her switch schools, and now administrators say they are trying to prevent more incidents from happening. >> reporter: heather collins' girl doesn't live at home anymore. she says bullying at school is to blame. >> she just couldn't stand to be there. the kids were so mean to her. >> reporter: heather relieved riley last week and sent her to live with her dad in another district. she says for more than a year, her daughter was called names and threatened at school and on social media. he claims the school largely ignored the allegations. >> at one point, the principal had threatened to kick my daughter off of the cheer team if she continued to report these cases. in her words exactly was that
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they were not severe enough and that no further cases would be invest getted. >> reporter: then heather says her daughter witnessed violence in the hallway, another 13-year-old beaten up and sent to the hospital. >> the little girl was on the ground and wasn't moving at one point and they just kept kicking her and hitting her. >> i think it's common. we see the same thing at other schools. >> reporter: edgewood's principals says they've had six bullying incidents this year and that students were suspended after the most recent attacks. she says administrators do respond but may not share that with parents. >> we are held by confidentiality laws and sometimes that hinders us for parents to think that we haven't done anything because we don't report back to them. >> reporter: now the school is working on new ways to respond to bullying. heather collins wants to see change. >> this is real violence. they're being targeted every day on a daily basis. >> reporter: a parent pleading
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for student protection. >> and our thanks to jenny with wthr in indianapolis for bringing us that report. in canada, one town is trying to learn a lesson from a bullying tragedy. amanda todd posted this video on youtube shortly before she committed suicide. we showed that video to you here on "cnn saturday morning." in it she recalled years of abuse and how she felt there was really no one to help her. now her hometown has launched a new anti-bullying campaign called "be someone" that will allow police to issue fines to those caught bullying in public or online. that is an incredible move. that campaign also calls her businesses to place snow flake details in nod to amanda's nicknames to be a signal of a safe haven for those being bullied. if you'd like to sound off on stories about bullying, you can tweet me now. use the #bullyingstopshere.
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news just in to cnn. police in missouri are investigating two deadly shootings. they say the shootings involve a kansas city chief's football player, and his girlfriend. we'll bring you the details on this story as we get them. now dr. sanjay gupta with this week's "human factor." >> i started gymnastics when i was 9 years old and i was
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watching the 1984 olympics and it spoke to me as if it was like broadcasted directly to me. and i immediately took the cushions off the couch and started jumping around. >> reporter: joseph's foray into olympics got serious after that. just two years later he realized he had had a natural gift. but his insatiable need to perform perfectly took over his life. >> for me, it became a darkness that i have to be perfect. >> reporter: that's where his downward spiral began. >> i had my first drink and all that desire for me to be perfect and to be the best was just washed away in the moment. >> within months, things got worse. >> i was drinking and using prescription drugs and a lot of cocaine. and it was that thing where i came to a crossroads where it was like i can't use and perform, so something's gotta go. one of the worst moments in my
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entire life, which i'll never forget, is actually calling the coach up and quitting. because it's like you're giving back your gift. >> reporter: alcohol, pills and cocaine led joe to heroin. in 2007 after several failed stints in rehab and two life-threatening overdose, recovery finally stuck. >> i'm 27 years old. i hadn't done a hand stand in almost ten years. started to do the hand stand and the splits. the more sobriety i maintained, the more this light, i call it, i don't know what else to say, kind of pulled me in a better direction. >> reporter: joe honed his body and his mind and he started to work on broadway as a dancer. but it was a chance meeting with cirque du soleil producer that changed his life forever. >> he saw something in me that was sort of inspiring. >> reporter: today three years after that chance encountering five years after sobriety, joe
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is starring as the crystal man in the cirque du soleil crystal show. >> he is the spark of change. the darkest of men carry the light. now i get to come down and shine. >> reporter: and while he says his addiction will never disappear, he's now living a life he thought he'd lost forever. dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. this is cnn breaking news. >> welcome to the next hour of "cnn saturday morning. we begin this hour with breaking news. our kansas city affiliate kctv reports a player on the kansas city chiefs football team allegedly shot and killed his groif, then drove to the practice facility and shot and killed himself. so far the identity of that player isn't known. we'll keep you updated on this breaking story as it develops and we get more information in.
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also breaking news out of florida. there's been a deadly bus crash at the miami international airport. our affiliate wplg says a bus crashed into the arrives terminal. 32 people were onboard that bus. one person was killed. 31 suffered injuries. two of them were air lifted the a nearby hospital. we'll update you on details of this accident as they become available to us. the bizarre saga of internet tycoon turned fugitive john mcafee takes another turn. this time it is involving one of our own reporters. as you may know, mcafee has been on the run, eluding police in belize who are seeking to question him in the killing of a neighbor. in the past three months, no one has seen mcafee until last night when he met exclusively and in secret with cnn's martin savidge and here is just a bit of that conversation. >> reporter: are you afraid?
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>> won yuldn't you be, sir? >> reporter: what have these three weeks been sfliek. >> it hasn't been fun. i miss my prior life. much of it is deprivation. poor food, at least. here we're in bliss. hot showers. a stove. so we're fairly happy right now. >> reporter: how is this going to end? how do you see this coming to an end? >> i don't have a crystal ball. i'm going to continue to fight until something changes. >> reporter: you won't turn yourself in? >> i will not. >> reporter: so it will either be that you somehow get away or the authorities come and get you. >> one of those two. get away doesn't mean leave the country. it means that number one they will find the murderer of mr. fall. number two, the people of this country who are by and large terrified to speak out will start speak out and something will change. but i will certainly not turn myself in and i will not quit fighting. i'm not going to stop my blog, by the way, who is >> martin savidge says the interview was one of the most bizarre of his television career. before seeing mcafee, he said he
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had to utter secret pass words, jump into different vehicles and people were in disguise. martin will talk more about their meeting at the top of the next hour here on cnn. frightening details are emerging in the arrests of two terror suspects in south florida. two brothers of pakistani dec t descent were arrested for conspiring to use weapons of mass destruction right here in the u.s., as well as supporting money and housing to terrorists. the third brother says the charges are baseless. >> i know my brothers are innocent. they never did anything wrong. we live together. we try to make a life here every day. >> the suspects were order held until their next hearing, which is set for friday. north korea's young leader kim jong-un plans to launch a long-range rocket within days. the u.s. says the launch would be a highly provocative act that threatens peace and security in the region. the move could also raise tensions between pyongyang and south korea.
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north korea says the rocket will put a satellite into orbit, but washington and seoul think the rocket launch is a cover for ballistic missile tests. looking now at pictures from cairo university in egypt where thousands of egyptians are chanting slogans in support of the president. mohamed morsi is being given the country's new constitution today, a day after he's approved in a hur riry. not everyone is happy about the new constitution. angry crowds are protesting against president morsi and the new constitution in tahrir square right now. so there are so many people camping out there in the square. what is their reaction to president morsi accepting the constitution today as he did a short time ago? >> reporter: obviously the protesters behind us, they don't like the process by which the draft of this constitution was
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made. they feel that they've been squeezed out of the process. the groups behind us are egypt's liberals, the moderatists, the women's groups and they are very concerned that islamists down the road could use this constitution and sideline them, squeeze them out and deny them the right. that's why they're here protesting. it's been more than a week since they've been camped out. many of them say they're going to stay here until mr. morsi annuls the draft of the constitution or steps down. >> and how much of an impact do you think protests might have on the ratification of this constitution? >> reporter: well, so far, president morsi, the muslim brotherhood, his supporters, they're not backing down from their position. what's remarkable is if you drive about ten minutes from tahrir square, which we are -- there's a demonstration in support of president morsi and the muslim brotherhood.
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it's a huge turnout. it's tough to guess how many people were out there, but some estimates say more than 100,000 people have shown up there. that really shows you that this is not a nationwide uprising against president morsi. he has significant support. remember the muslim brotherhood. hi movement has widespread support throughout egypt. of course there's many devout muslims here, in what you really have in a nutshell here is a fight for egypt's identity. the people here in tahrir square, they have one vision. then you have the muslim brotherhood, the islamists, the president's supporters. they have their own vision and the big question moving forward is whose vision is going to win out, randy. just some remarkable events happening in cairo. >> and we talked about the sweeping powers that the president has taken on in the so called power grab. what happens to that power -- what happens to that once the new constitution takes effect? >> here's his position.
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he's basically saying if egyptians don't like this constitution, in about 15 days they can go out in a nationwide referendum and vote no. and he says if they approve it, all those controversial decrees that gave him additional powers, they're going to be annulled, cancelled immediately. he hopes that's going to calm down the outrage and the opposition factions. but so far, there are many people here protesting the process. >> reza, thank you. global leaders are asking israel not to build any new settlements in the west bank. the u.s., france and the uk say they will set back decisions. the u.n. gave palestinians nonmember observer state status. israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has not publicly acknowledged approval, but a senior government official says he has sign off on those plans. in washington, the calendar is coming ever closer to that
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fiscal cliff. we'll hear where each side stands and if we are any closer to a deal today. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. share "not even close." share "you owe me..." share "just right." the share everything plan. sharable data across 10 devices with unlimited talk and text. get a droid razr m
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priority number one right now for president obama is reaching a deal on the fiscal cliff. just 31 days left until we hit those automatic spending cuts and tax increases, if negotiations break down. here is what president obama had to say in his weekly radio address. >> both parties say we should keep middle class taxes low. the senate has already passed a bill to keep income taxes from beginning up on middle class families. democrats in the house are ready to do the same thing. if we can just get a few house republicans onboard, i'll sign this bill as soon as congress sends it may way. but it's unacceptable for some republicans in congress to hold middle class tax cuts hostage simply because they refuse to
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let tax rates go up on the wealthiest americans. >> in the republican response, senator orrin hatch takes that hostage met foaphor one step further. >> unfortunately, some on the other side of the aisle are proposing a disastrous thelma and louise strategy, putting our already weak economy in further jeopardy. >> president obama says he wants to get a deal done by christmas, but both republicans and democrats will have to come together to make that happen. jessica yellen has more on where each side stands. >> reporter: just when you thought campaign season was over -- >> if congress does nothing, every family in america will see their income taxes automatically go up on january 1st. >> reporter: president obama is back on the stump pressing republicans to cut a deal
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averting the fiscal cliff. >> it's sort of like the lump of coal you get for christmas. it's a scrooge christmas. >> reporter: republicans say they want their christmas too and blame the president for the deadlock. >> there's a stalemate. let's not kid ourselves. i'm not trying to make this more difficult. >> reporter: things got tense after treasury secretary geithner visited capitol hill thursday to present what republicans are calling an unreasonable proposal. it includes $1.6 trillion in new taxes, in part through raising rates on the top 2% and limiting loopholes and deductions. $50 billion in stimulus next year and $400 billion in medicare and other entitlement savings to be worked out. >> i think that the proposal that was delivered here by secretary geithner to the speaker and me yesterday was not a serious proposal. >> they want to have this extra spending that's actually greater
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than the amount they're willing to cut. >> reporter: the democrats say it was just a starting point and one republicans should counter. >> there's going to be some prolonged negotiations. and all of us are going to have to get out of our comfort zones to make that happen. >> reporter: cnn has learned last week the republicans gave the white house their own starting position, which democrats consider unbalanced. extending all bush-era tax rates, including for people making $250,000 and up. raising revenue through tax reform. and cutting medicare in part by increasing the eligibility age. bottom line, democrats say tax rates have to rise or there's no deal. republicans say any negotiation must start with spending cuts. this is a case of who budges first and both sides are playing for leverage against the clock. jessica yellin, cnn, the white house. this is cnn breaking news.
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>> we want to get back to that breaking news we shared at the top of the hour here. word that police are investigating two deadly shootings on saturday morning. a kansas city chiefs player we are told by police died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound saturday morning. this comes from a release from the nfl. it happened at the team's training facility. and that is from police spokesperson. the shooting occurred apparently just before 8:00 a.m. local time at the team's facility near the arrowhead stadium. police have also said that another shooting offsite was linked to this shooting. we can't confirm independently who that shooting involved, but we are told by our affiliate that it may have been the player's girlfriend. the kansas city chiefs have released this statement in regard to the incident. we can confirm that there was an incident at arrowhead earlier this morning. we are cooperating with authorities in their investigation. so we will continue to follow this story.
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once again, confirmation that a kansas city chiefs player has died. some women in the military are engaged in a different kind of fight. they are battling for the right to be treated like equals and that includes the right to fight alongside men in combat. and if you're leaving the house right now, just a reminder, you can continue watching cnn from your mobile phone. you can also watch cnn live from your laptop. just go to copd makes it hard to breathe, but with advair, i'm breathing better. so now i can be in the scene.
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it is a long standing u.s. military position, no women in combat. but four female vets are taking to the court to change that policy, saying it restricts
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their ability to move up in rank. other nations already use women in combat, among them israel. earlier i talked with one of those plaintiffs, marine corps reserve captain zoe bedell about that. >> women have performed extremely well in those environments, so i think there's plenty of evidence showing women are capable of handling those jobs. >> this goes back to 1994, when this rule was put in place. why do you think it hasn't been looked at? what more needs to be done? >> for a number of years, we weren't really actively at war. so people weren't really looking at it. while we were at war, people were focused on getting the job done. but personally, i'm a little surprised that since we have been at war for ten years, people haven't looked at the reality of what is going on on the ground in iraq and afghanistan and how they're making more steps to move this away. i think they're headed there
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now. better late than never, i suppose. we need to see this happen here soon. >> in getting ready for this segment with you, we contacted the department of defense to get their comment on the lawsuit. they say they don't comment on pending litigation. but i'm curious why leon panetta -- clearly these guidelines barring women from advancing to certain positions in the military were in place well before he was appointed secretary of defense. he's the one who actually ordered the 14,000 positions to be opened up to women. so why him? >> that's just his position as secretary of defense. we certainly have nothing personal against leon panetta himself. >> once again, my conversation there about women in combat. many workers are looking for additional training to advance their careers. we'll show you why the training method they are choosing is creating a revolution in higher education. questions?
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a struggling jobs market is getting a much-needed boost from holiday hiring. the national retail federation predicts that about 600,000 people will find work this season. tom foreman shows us how additional training can help in today's "building up america" report. >> reporter: at johns hopkins university, professor roger pang was hoping for a few extra students in his statistics course, so he signed up for a new program to put his lectures online. >> i was expecting maybe a few thousand. tops. >> reporter: what did you get? >> in the end, i had 54,000 students enrolled. >> reporter: 54,000 students? >> that's right. >> reporter: such as the rapidly exploding power of online learning, an old concept being newly embraced by dozens of the nation's top schools which want
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to expand their influence and enhance their worldwide reputations at very little cost. they're all offering classes online for free through companies like corsera and the non-profit ed ex, the joint venture of m.i.t. and harvard and the response is astonishing. >> we had 10,000 students sign up in the first few hours of open enrollment and this was at midnight at u.s. time and the numbers went all the way up to 155,000 in a short amount of time. it was completely insane. >> reporter: students are connecting from all over the world for all sorts of reasons. in chicago, dawn smith wanted to improve her jobs skills with a free course in pharmacology from the university of pennsylvania. she loved the convenience, the quality, and the cost. >> about another 19 years of payments on my masters degree so i didn't necessarily want to add to the cost of that, which was a big factor. >> reporter: some educators point out that the immersive experience of attending a college can hardly be replicated
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by logging on to a laptop and that contact with professors is hugely limited online. but even critics admit this trend could open up education to hundreds of millions of people. >> i've already taught more students than i ever could have hoped to teach in my entire career. >> reporter: and there is still a lot to learn. tom foreman, cnn, baltimore. as bombs drop over syria, we'll tell you what aleppo's residents are doing to try and get back to normal. try running four.ning a restaurant is hard, fortunately we've got ink. it gives us 5x the rewards on our internet, phone charges and cable, plus at office supply stores. rewards we put right back into our business.
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this is what syrians wake up to every morning waiting for the violence to end soon. but it is getting worse, actually, every day. today, the syrian air strikes hit rebel targets near damascus airport, and bombs rain down on other rebel held areas in the city. for the last two days, syrians have also been cut off from the outside world with almost no internet or telephone. the next step for the rebels is the friends of syria meeting in
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morocco. secretary of state hillary clinton will be there and might announ announce if the u.s. will be a representative of syrians. as damascus is pounded by president bashar al assad's forces, they are voicing their hopes for a better future. arwa damon has the story. >> reporter: to the tune of "jingle bells," a tune in aleppo with original lyrics. hand in hand, we are all hand in hand, they sing, until we get rid of bashar. the bulk of the car here, pro-democracy. but also some carrying black flags. let's agree that each has a right to their perspective.
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later the islamists take up their own chant. the people want an islamic state. when we sing we want an islamic state, it means that every citizen will have their rights. but according to their own interpretation. one of the islamists says that i should cover my hair. 25-year-old hussein says the islamists are being nurtured by outside forces. but he's not worried they will take over the country. syria is beautiful, a nation of many colors, whether they like it or not. what we just witnessed s a microcosm of a larger dynamic in syria and the country's future challenges. amidst the fall of the regime,
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criticism of some rebel units. this affects the revolution. we can't have fees in the army for freedom, he adds. in streets that were once desserted, families kicked their way through rubble. traffic increased in front of the hospital, the main field hospital for the wounded here, bombed last week. there used to be a government check point down the road. this is one of the neighborhoods that saw fierce clashes between rebel fighters and government forces. and is also we're being told the first neighborhood to fall to the free syrian army. and around three weeks ago, residents began to feel confident enough to return. and now in the streets we're seeing a fair amount of activity and we are naturally drawing a quite a bit of people's curiosity.
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but real safety, that's still a long way off. this week a regime air strike took out a water main, cutting off supplies to some homes. children gather. among them, 14-year-old hamsa with his container. he says he was wounded in the village that his family fled to for safety. up the road, a desperate crowd clamors for bread. prices have doubled at this bakery. in other parts of the city, it costs even more if available at all. this woman waitsed for three hours, her husband was wounded and he has three children to feed. what can i do? say i am afraid. are my children not going to eat? amid all the destruction and the threat of more, efforts to start repairs. with winter closing in, these people gambled the relative
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safety of escape for the promise of shelter and came back to their homes. a different landscape, but the same lottery of survival. arwa damon, cnn, aleppo. we continue to keep an eye this morning on former president george h.w. bush in stable condition in houston. he's being treated for bronchitis. his office says the former president is expected to be released in the next few days. bush, by the way, is 88 years old, the oldest living former president. the fiscal cliff is looming. we'll weigh through differences among lawmakers and see what sticking points are threatening to stall our economy. and when you switch from another company to us, we even reward you for the time you spent there. genius. yeah, genius. you guys must have your own loyalty program, right? well, we have something. show her, tom. huh? you should see november!
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8:39 am
bp has paid overthe people of bp twenty-threeitment to the gulf. billion dollars to help those affected and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open, and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. and bp's also committed to america. we support nearly 250,000 jobs and invest more here than anywhere else. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. our commitment has never been stronger. remember, sunday night is our live broadcast of "cnn
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heroes: an all-star tribute." of course, we named the cnn hero of the year that night as well. now we take a look at how several past cnn heros are coming together to help each other's efforts and to make a difference. >> reporter: marie desilva was a nanny in the u.s. when she st t start started an organization for aids victims. she has joined two other honorees. magnus was recognized in 2010 for his work feeding school children around the globe. >> he started this organization in malawi. so i just asked him to consider us. >> i was very struck by her. i felt we were people who could work together. >> this is the stove. >> today, magnus's organization
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mary's meals provides free porridge daily to all of her citizens. >> he is a saint to me. >> 2010's evans lodango makes lanterns. recently his team taught students to build their own lamps. >> for the family, it cuts the costs and for the children, it's helping them to study. evans really motivated our kids to be inventors. they've come up with their own little models. >> now marie's students plan to supply lamps to their community, with creativity and compassion, these cnn heroes are helping each other to change even more lives. >> cnn heroes coming together to work together. it's a family. how sweet is that? and a programming note. tune in sunday for our pre-show special "sharing the spotlight"
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at 8:00 p.m. eastern before the main event. "cnn heroes: an all-star tribute" at 9:00 p.m. hosted by anderson cooper. just 31 days until the u.s. goes over the so called fiscal cliff. and on both sides of the aisle, lawmakers are playing the blame game. but the president has drawn a red line. no tax increases on the wealthy means no deal from the white house. i spoke with trish regan and asked her if the president will balk at the republicans' position. >> he won the election, and as larry summers told me just this week, he won the election based on this, that there should be higher taxes on the wealthy. so he's really dug in his heels and he has, as he would say, the public support behind him. he's taken this message on the campaign trail. he's continuing to speak all around america right now about this very issue. and so unless the republicans
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are willing to allow tax rates to go up on the wealthy, it could be very difficult to get a deal done. >> it is certainly a campaign style push going out there with his pen in hand ready to go, telling people he's ready to sign it. what do these tax increases mean for families? there's been some confusion about which parts will be taxed at a higher level and certainly not all of it, right? can you clear that up? >> for example, suppose you made $69,000 a year. well, $59,000 would actually be taxed at 15%. so normal. but it's that extra 10,000 that would be taxed at 28%. so part of your income would be taxed at a higher rate. but let's not forget, even though it may just be part of your income, that's income that you don't have then to spend on other things. and so when we're talking about
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an any that's in a pretty fragile state as this one is right now, if people don't have as much money to spend, that's going to be hurtful. that's going to be hurtful to retail sales, to restaurants, to movie theaters, to everything that keeps this economy going. >> one thing that has also been discussed is taking away the mortgage interest deduction. certainly that's a big bonus of homeownership for a whole lot of folks. do you think it's a risky move considering how fragile the housing recovery is right now? i mean, would that mean possibly that people won't buy homes? >> it very well could. i mean, it's fascinating, right, randy? you think about homeownership, the american dream. and part of that is the tax incentive that this ocountry officer. you can argue whether that's right or wrong. you look at canada, they don't offer that tax deduction. but nonetheless, it's become part of american psychology. if i buy a home, i'm going to get a break on my taxes.
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so there's an incentive to do that. so you take that away and it would be quite monumental. as for how it would affect the housing industry, you've got a housing industry that's really on shaky ground skill. we need that recovery to continue. if you suddenly stripped away the mortgage tax deduction for everyone, i think that would be very, very problematic. what you might likely see is taking that away for the wealthiest of americans where they're hopeful that it wouldn't have as big an impact. but taking it away for everyone, that would be tough for the housing industry. >> yeah, people are just bracing to see what gets decided, if anything at all in washington. nice see you and thank you so much for joining us this morning. >> thanks, randi. >> appetizing or appalling? find out how caviar connoisseurs are reacting to new caviar fending machines.
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yes, it's true. but first, when traveling to other cities and countries, the best way to get a real taste of place is through the local food. cnn ireport has created a global list of 100 places to eat like a local. now london with a sample. >> reporter: in london, when i want to eat like a local, i head straight to st. john bread and wine. it is the ultimate local experience right in the east end. paris has its bistros and london has its bread and wine. reminds me of a neighborhood in brooklyn. one look at the menu, i know i'm
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in london. blood cake, lamb's tongue, this whole crab right here. that's amazing. this is lamb's tongue, kale. very classic english. it does what the restaurant does very well, which is all about nose to tail eating, which is the whole animal. there's nothing like a whole crab to tell you that you're in london. i have the tools of the trade. i'm digging in. finally, i get dessert. why not have some cheese?
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now that i've shared my favorite place to eat like a local in london, i know you food lovers out there have your favorite toos, too. go to and post about your favorite place to eat like a local in your hometown. >> here is your chance to help us create a food lovers map of the world. you go to places, then you just send us a photo of your favorite restaurant and a dish and maybe tell us why it's special, how you discovered it. the final list of the 100 places to eat like a local will be revealed in march and some ireporters will be on that list. it could be you, so stay tuned. [ male announcer ] this december, remember -- you can stay in and share something...
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welcome back. cookies, potatoes chips, caviar. one of these is not like the other. but don't be surprised to find a variety of fish eggs popping up in a vending machine near you. we hit the mall in southern california to find out whether this food court luxury is really catching on. >> reporter: at this los angeles area shopping mall next to the holiday displays and the santa's corner kiosk -- >> look at this. >> reporter: what they're looking at, the world's first vending machine selling caviar. >> seems like can you buy anything out of a machine anymore. >> reporter: not just any caviar. there's the garden variety $12 type to the $500 an ounce balooga. tightly frozen in a custom built machine from spain. $50,000 worth of rare merchandise inside three vending machines in southern california making the debut just in time
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for the holiday shopping season. the idea came from this cupcake vending machine already a hit in beverly hills. caviar can be just as sweet says a vending machine owner. so it's about making it access snibl. >> it is very accessible, convenient in every price point. so it is caviar out of a vending machine in a shopping mall. but some foodies say this just doesn't belong next to cinnabon. at the trendy hungry cat seafood restaurant in hollywood, he says his caviar is served with a little more flair, not food court fudge. >> that's the part i don't get. i can see getting it and taking it hom to have champagne with it. but just on your lunch break, it really doesn't at up to it. >> with a soda from the food court? >> exactly. >> reporter: we found plenty of caviar critics. would you put $500 in a machine? >> no.
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>> would you buy eggs out of a vending machine, much less fish eggs? >> reporter: but the flurries are buying for their daughter this christmas. a little luxury for the layman, conveniently disdependenced just in time for the hol kidays. nothing too fishy about it. >> cnn newsroom starts at the top of the hour. deb is in for fred. i love that story. i feel they need a vending machine for champagne and all the trimmings next to it. >> what do you drink it just seems wrong on so many levels. >> exactly. >> so, yeah. >> you have a big day coming up? >> we do. one of the reasons that i'm here is because fred had her little baby. >> this is so exciting. >> it really is. twins. so we're going to be showing pictures obviously of fred and the new happy family. that is coming up in the noon hour. >> that's a good tease. >> it is a good tease. stay tuned. also, we're looking at arrow
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head stadium. a member of the kansas city chiefs football team shot and killed his girlfriend then he went to the stadium and it appears may have killed himself. also, we have other breaking news, randi. it's out of florida. this is about a deadly bus crash at the miami international airport. it does involve seniors and an overpass. so we're looking into that. there is going to be a lot of news coming in on that. also, our legal eagles, you know the great men that break everything down for us on the weekend. they're going to tackle a number of issues including the defense of marriage act. women in the military. why they can't be combat trained. also, we're looking into a very interesting story about a tra transgender fifth grader and places he wants to be in his school. so lots of things coming up. >> yeah, nice mix of stories there. check back with you in just a moment. the last american company that makes bells refuses to be silenced. though fire destroyed the factory, the owners say they
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want to revive the company's nearly 200-year history.
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a small company in connecticut represents a big part of american history. it makes bells including those used by salvation army ringers. after a fire destroyed the factory, it's owner is fighting to keep a 180-year history alive. >> reporter: with the clang of a bell, the north pole express leaves the station from essex, connecticut and a steam engine,
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destination, north pole. the trip's highlight? santa. handing each child a tiny keepsake bell. >> it's not too big and not too small. >> it's one of more than 100 varieties made in america since 1832. >> there's no other sound as gorgeous as that sound from our bell. >> the 180-year-old company is behind those vintage good humor truck chimes. salvation army bells. and even the one you can't forget from "it's a wonderful life." >> every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings. last may they fell silent. an apparent lightning strike burned the factory to the ground. >> this is what remains of the last bell maker in america. >> matt bevin is the sixth generation owner. an inferno took down the factory
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that turned out more than a million bells a year. what was it like when you came here and saw what the fire had done. >> it was like losing a member of the family. >> reporter: a 19th century family and employees who built the business. >> this is the old elevator shaft. probably one of the first elevators ever built. >> reporter: the giant presses are worthless. his toric documents gone. >> incredibly, the remnants some of bells here. >> there are sleigh bells. this is a kentucky cow bell. >> bells that gave east hampton, connecticut, its nickname. >> i wish you could have seen what was here. i wish you could have seen it. it was beautiful. it was beautiful. >> reporter: but matt bevin is no quitter. since october, they've been operating out of a temporary site, hiring back nearly all his 26 employees. why are you continuing this instead just closing it down?
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>> when i look around this place, i see the american dream. >> reporter: 72-year-old austin gardiner is grateful his boss won't give up. >> this is proving that if you try hard enough and make the right moves, you can manufacture in the states. >> for 180 years we've been making bells in bell town. we're not that far from 200. i'm going to get us to at least 200 years. that has a nice ring to it, don't you think? i think it z i really think it does. all pun intended. >> reporter: that's just fine with bob bell who runs the north pole express. >> it's something that just goes with christmas. it goes with the holidays. i don't know what i would do without them. >> reporter: and keeping those bells ringing for generations to come. suzanne candiotti, east hampton, connecticut. and cnn newsroom continues for deb who


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